Wednesday, 24 February 2010

I have been mostly thinking about knitting

I love knitting, its so relaxing, and you get something lovely at the end of it, so I have been looking into the history of it, as you may know I love Scotland and have been looking at the tradition of knitted shawls as wedding gifts, this are knitting in single ply wool and are so fine they can fit through the wedding band, and have a beautiful cobweb look about them. I havent done this type of knitting before so I have looked for some simple ones to start with and will build up from that.

As part of our brief we have been asked to do a performance piece, I am looking to do a sound and vision piece based on Gaelic poetry and the sound of knitting,  The Shetlanders would have evenings together knitting and telling tales I feel this was not only done here but in all the places that knitting was a part of life.

get your needles ready people you may be asked to join in  :-)

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