Thursday, 4 March 2010

plans so far...

Ideas have been flowing this week mainly at mad  times at night but hey, I slept well last week cant have it all the time ;-)

We have a performance piece to do this week, and as I have been researching Shetland lace knitting I thought it would be good to incorporate this , so far I have made some sound for background, and ideas of speaking the pattern,  I have also considered knitting by the church for a while, knitters through the ages have made baby blankets, wedding shawls and death shrouds so I thought the church would be a good place to sit and ponder for a while.

the other idea was to sit at hangmans tree and knit with the wool falling from the branches I felt this could look very beautiful but not be necessary fitting to the brief, I may do this as a separate piece of work over the weekend, and document as part of my work.

photos will follow when mini lappy is speaking to me :-)

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