Sunday, 14 February 2010

Ritual and Commemoration

New Brief time ! this is totally different from the last and I have till May to complete it, after reading the general blurb alot of differing ideas are buzzing around my head, we all know about the basic rituals of birth, birthdays, weddings, funerals, and the normal day to rituals of waking, washing, eating and sleeping. But we need to delve a little deeper I feel. Also Commemoration, I have to commemorate the untimely death of my friend James in June, it will be a mixed day for me, I know he was unhappy but I still miss him and saying a proper goodbye will help me get over his death,  how else do we remember people?  shrines, gravestones, in just in our hearts. Sometimes a little something of theres can be a treasure, I have ornaments that belonged to my Nan, that I remember from being a child, they still make me smile and remember her. Most importantly though I remember her before she got really old and not like herself, I remember the lady who took me shopping in Birmingham so we could try on hats and laugh at ourselves in the mirror.

So remembering... how do you remember people who are no longer with you?  I hope it is with a smile... :-)


  1. I find that smells evoke lots of memories. The smell of face powder mixed with cigarette smoke always reminds me of my gran even though she hasn't smoked for years and is, thankfully, still with us. Music is also great for jogging the memory. I can normally tell you what year a song came out because it will remind me of what I was doing when I heard it. Sounds like a good brief and I'm sure you could go anywhere with it.

    The Victorians were big on death and mourning weren't they? You got mourning jewellery (normally made out of jet I think) and things like lockets that you kept your loved one's hair in. Sounds morbid now but then I think we've moved too far away from thinking about death these days.

    Hope you have fun with it!!

  2. oil of ulay is the other thing I remember about my Nan :-)
    Queen Victoria, mourned for a long time and everyone joined her. Jet from Whitby ! this brief really could go anywhere ! and usually they end up somewhere else lol
