Friday, 7 May 2010


I have started to tie together some ends, so to speak,
I chose not to carry on with the knitting of the shawl and
continue with the ribbon instead as I felt that
it had more to investigate and work on.

so what I decided was to use the knitting and something
special, like my butterflies from a previous brief, I
do feel these will keep cropping up through out my
art projects and life in general.
and I made a little cocoon for them, 40 of them,
this will be going to Islay with me, to give as
a rememberance of my friend James,
he liked my work on the butterflies when I last saw him
this will be my goodbye to him as I didnt get chance
to say it properly,
I miss him, flashforward was not the same with him
to discuss it on msn, little things I miss,
but he made a choice to leave, I cannot change that
just accept it.

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