Thursday, 29 April 2010

this is moving faster than a feather in the wind

how in love am I with these stills from my film !

this progect has really taken off in a better direction I love the edited film of just flickers of ribbon
and these still with the distortion on them give me goosebumps,
the tattered edges are like flames, the firey redhead in a new guise

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


This is one of  my favourtie new pics, I love the textures
and the way the hair is pulled  across the bark

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

all change !

moving rooms just before the end of term .... probably just as well im only using my desk !

Monday, 26 April 2010

twilight shite

well goddamn.. things havent gone to well this week, it took me forever to get hold of a camcorder and when I did get my pics and filming done it was compared to the twilight book covers, the ribbon being red and tatty, so I googled this and yes there is was in all its glory red ribbon... so. will people look at my work and compare it to this. I hope not, Im not a fan of the books by anymeans I like my vampires to be dark and sexy and at least look over the age of 16. So this made me wonder if I need to be altering what I do, I have now done some more filming with some hair instead of the ribbon but its not working for me, and if its not working for me, then how can it work for other people. A rethink and bloody quick is needed.

more pics..

I will attempt to write up stuff this week, but its just not working at the moment

new film and pics taken with hair instead of ribbon, pics will be downloaded asap as they are on a different camera. ;-)

what I am saying

what we see isnt what we always get, things that look beautiful from a distance may not be.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

at the tree

tattered and torn.


the prints with the ribbon