Friday, 26 March 2010

preparing the print

I love print, and part of the prep, I took one of the photos and used photoshop to separate the colour and also the ribbon from the tree and then pixalated both the images ready to be exposed.

first layer of bark drying on the rack :)

practice runs of the ribbon to go on top of the bark.

I hope to do 4 layers for the bark to get a good texture and then have the ribbon going across. I may also do a version with a ribbon going across.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Monday, 22 March 2010

little crochet and knitting.

lasted stuff to be knitting in preparation for shawl knittng...

Saturday, 20 March 2010

long time red

roses are red my love

image i bought from the market, with the sun shining through the rose print :-)

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

lace making stuff

I have never made lace before so this will be in an interesting addition to the project..
it may work it may not !
I am hoping to have the hardness and harshness of stone softened by the lace / crochet / knit
a play with textures :-)

String vest

knitting with hand made string, a little tough but looks lovely!

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Friday, 5 March 2010

wire lacing

I have made jewellery before on the foundation course and thought it would be good to try doing a lace pattern with the wire, its fiddly but it does work to a degree, I may experiment further with finer wire to see if i can move it into the shapes easier but still get it to hold it.

pics of hanging threads and the best pic is last ;-) xxx

from the word text from a digital piece I have now moved to lace makeing .............

Thursday, 4 March 2010

plans so far...

Ideas have been flowing this week mainly at mad  times at night but hey, I slept well last week cant have it all the time ;-)

We have a performance piece to do this week, and as I have been researching Shetland lace knitting I thought it would be good to incorporate this , so far I have made some sound for background, and ideas of speaking the pattern,  I have also considered knitting by the church for a while, knitters through the ages have made baby blankets, wedding shawls and death shrouds so I thought the church would be a good place to sit and ponder for a while.

the other idea was to sit at hangmans tree and knit with the wool falling from the branches I felt this could look very beautiful but not be necessary fitting to the brief, I may do this as a separate piece of work over the weekend, and document as part of my work.

photos will follow when mini lappy is speaking to me :-)